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Common Types of Discrimination in the Workplace


Employers are required by law to protect employees from any form of discrimination they could face during work hours. Discrimination should never be overlooked, as it has a detrimental and toxic effect on both employees and the general workplace environment. It is your right as an employee to work in an environment free of discrimination.

Workplace discrimination can affect:

  1. The hiring process
  2. Layoffs
  3. Wages and compensation
  4. Promotions
  5. Employment benefits
  6. Employee safety

The first step in fighting discrimination at work is identifying which type of discrimination you are experiencing. If you wish to purse a workplace discrimination claim in Texas, then contact an attorney experienced in employment law.

Race Discrimination

In the United States, your workplace civil rights are protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This law prohibits workplace discrimination and retaliation based on race. Common examples of racial discrimination in the workplace include derogatory or racist remarks, not hiring or promoting based on race, and utilizing racial stereotypes.

Age Discrimination

The Age Discrimination Act (ADEA) offers federal protection to employees over the age of 40. Under the ADEA, an employee cannot be paid less, fired, or denied a job solely based on their age. An employee can also have an age discrimination case when their pay is cut or they are replaced by a younger employee.

Gender Discrimination

Houston law protects male and female employees against gender discrimination. These laws include protection against gender-based hiring tactics, promotions, and layoffs. A common example of gender discrimination is when male and female employees receive different salaries despite having the same job and comparable experience and skills. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) states that men and women doing the same work should likewise receive the same pay. Beyond financial consequences, gender-based discrimination, including insults and criticisms, not only affect an employee’s confidence and production, but can also cause emotional and psychological turmoil.

Disability Discrimination

Disability discrimination occurs when an employee is defined by their mental or physical disability instead of their ability to do a job. Disability discrimination can include being specifically overlooked during the hiring process due to a disability. Also, as a disabled employee, you have the right to request a reasonable work space that accommodates your disability; this includes providing: essential equipment, translators, handicap accessible facilities, and modified work schedules.

Contact Us

You shouldn’t have to suffer the injustices of discrimination. If you believe that you are the victim of a workplace discrimination case, contact Shellist Lazarz Slobin, LLP at (713) 352-3433. We have won many employment discrimination lawsuits resulted in financial compensation for our clients. There are legal deadlines for workplace discrimination cases, so contact our firm today to schedule a consultation so we can discuss your options.

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